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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003292SAS.Планета[All Projects] Багpublic23-10-2017 12:4525-11-2017 15:29
Assigned Tozed 
PlatformWindowsOSyuckOS Version10
Product Version.Nightly 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0003292: GPS displaying wrong time (Garmin GPS18x USB)
DescriptionSee attached screenshot. Both the local time and UTC time are way off. I'm in Jakarta, you can see the real local time in bottom right hand corner.

Also the speed data at top right is all wrong.
Steps To ReproduceConnect GPS and see wrong time and speed.

I had this on the last Nightly as well from 8 days ago.

The stable version the GPS doesn't work at all, gives a floating point error. I already reported that, seems to have solved itself in the nightly.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespng file icon Time and speed problem.png [^] (1,604,155 bytes) 23-10-2017 12:45

- Relationships
duplicate of 0002186confirmed GPS: неверно отображается "Время UTC" и "Местное время" 

-  Notes
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User List Anonymous (1088x), gma (1x), bk99 (1x), zed (6x), vdemidov (4x)
Total Views 1100
Last View 19-06-2024 22:42

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
23-10-2017 12:45 dzwager New Issue
23-10-2017 12:45 dzwager File Added: Time and speed problem.png
23-10-2017 14:43 vdemidov Category Рефакторинг => Баг
25-11-2017 15:26 zed Relationship added related to 0002186
25-11-2017 15:28 zed Summary GPS displaying wrong time => GPS displaying wrong time (Garmin GPS18x USB)
25-11-2017 15:29 zed Relationship replaced duplicate of 0002186
25-11-2017 15:29 zed Status new => closed
25-11-2017 15:29 zed Assigned To => zed
25-11-2017 15:29 zed Resolution open => duplicate

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