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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002840SAS.Планета[All Projects] Багpublic01-10-2015 07:1402-10-2015 16:24
Assigned Tovdemidov 
PlatformWindowsOS7OS VersionProfessional
Product Version150915 
Target Version151010Fixed in Version151010 
Summary0002840: Bug in "Projecting"
DescriptionSame bug as in "Go To..".
Open the window "Placemarks", "Project Point" then "Projecting".
If there is no marks registred, message of error when clicking in the window after choice marks.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filesjpg file icon bug projecting.jpg [^] (33,085 bytes) 01-10-2015 07:14

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User List Anonymous (1657x), bartho (1x), Papazol (1x), gma (1x), vdemidov (18x), zed (4x), bk99 (8x), netsky (1x)
Total Views 1691
Last View 27-07-2024 02:36

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
01-10-2015 07:14 bartho New Issue
01-10-2015 07:14 bartho File Added: bug projecting.jpg
01-10-2015 07:18 vdemidov Status new => confirmed
01-10-2015 07:18 vdemidov Target Version => 151010
02-10-2015 08:39 bk99 Note Added: 0016503
02-10-2015 09:25 vdemidov Note Added: 0016504
02-10-2015 09:55 bk99 Note Added: 0016505
02-10-2015 10:05 vdemidov Note Added: 0016506
02-10-2015 10:06 vdemidov Note Edited: 0016506 View Revisions
02-10-2015 11:15 bk99 Note Added: 0016507
02-10-2015 13:04 vdemidov Note Deleted: 0016507
02-10-2015 13:04 vdemidov Note Deleted: 0016506
02-10-2015 13:04 vdemidov Note Deleted: 0016505
02-10-2015 13:05 vdemidov Note Deleted: 0016504
02-10-2015 13:05 vdemidov Note Deleted: 0016503
02-10-2015 16:24 vdemidov Status confirmed => resolved
02-10-2015 16:24 vdemidov Fixed in Version => 151010
02-10-2015 16:24 vdemidov Resolution open => fixed
02-10-2015 16:24 vdemidov Assigned To => vdemidov

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