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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003560SAS.ПланетаРефакторингpublic25-09-2019 17:4230-12-2021 08:59
Assigned To 
PlatformWindowsOS7OS VersionUltimate
Product Version.Nightly 
Target Version26xxxxFixed in Version 
Summary0003560: imports GPX as a path always in green
Descriptionimports GPX as a path always in green, even if a different one is set.
on the IMPORT settings screen as yellow and the result is displayed in green
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filesjpg file icon SASimportPATH.jpg [^] (124,942 bytes) 25-09-2019 17:42

? file icon rajcza.gpx [^] (61,171 bytes) 26-09-2019 16:31

- Relationships
related to 0002059resolvedzed при импорте путей и треков из GPX цвет брать из свойств самого объекта 
parent of 0003529confirmed Доделать окно настроек импорта меток для поддержки принудительного применения параметров оформления 
Not all the children of this issue are yet resolved or closed.

-  Notes
vdemidov (manager)
26-09-2019 08:14

Please attache example of gpx file
zed (manager)
26-09-2019 12:37

На сколько я помню, если в gpx или kml файле определён цвет линии/полигона, то при импорте используется именно он, а не то, что задано в настройках импорта.
vdemidov (manager)
26-09-2019 13:04

Я думал хотелка 0002059 еще не реализована
zed (manager)
26-09-2019 13:19

Ну вот сейчас и проверим, если топикстартер приложит пример его gpx файла с раскраской.
MontoyaSat (reporter)
26-09-2019 16:47
edited on: 26-09-2019 16:50


add the color ignore item from gpx to the import setting

in the past assigned yellow (before implementation)

as written in the comment 0002059
"I would like it to be optional"

- Users who viewed this issue
User List Anonymous (1554x), RedRat (1x), uamva (1x), zed (5x), vdemidov (27x), Tolik (3x), MontoyaSat (5x)
Total Views 1596
Last View 20-01-2025 08:42

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
25-09-2019 17:42 MontoyaSat New Issue
25-09-2019 17:42 MontoyaSat File Added: SASimportPATH.jpg
26-09-2019 08:14 vdemidov Note Added: 0019334
26-09-2019 08:14 vdemidov Status new => feedback
26-09-2019 12:37 zed Note Added: 0019338
26-09-2019 13:04 vdemidov Note Added: 0019339
26-09-2019 13:19 zed Note Added: 0019341
26-09-2019 16:31 MontoyaSat File Added: rajcza.gpx
26-09-2019 16:47 MontoyaSat Note Added: 0019345
26-09-2019 16:47 MontoyaSat Status feedback => new
26-09-2019 16:50 MontoyaSat Note Edited: 0019345 View Revisions
26-09-2019 18:45 vdemidov Relationship added related to 0002059
26-09-2019 18:47 vdemidov Relationship added parent of 0003529
26-09-2019 19:03 vdemidov Priority high => normal
26-09-2019 19:03 vdemidov Severity major => minor
26-09-2019 19:03 vdemidov Status new => confirmed
26-09-2019 19:03 vdemidov Target Version => 191221
21-12-2019 09:14 zed Target Version 191221 => 211230
30-12-2021 08:59 zed Target Version 211230 => 26xxxx

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