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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003741SAS.Планета[All Projects] Хотелкаpublic27-01-2021 19:5509-09-2023 18:17
Assigned Tozed 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
PlatformWindowsOS7OS VersionUltimate
Product Version201212 
Target Version230909Fixed in Version230909 
Summary0003741: Placemark manager - adding the option "select all unmarked" to the context menu
DescriptionI have 3000+ polygons in my database.
I need to sort them.
labeling them individually is lengthy!

explanation "labeling inactive.jpg"

marking is performed with "CTRL + left mouse button".
when they are marked this way, I simply drag them to the desired category.

I would ask to add "select all unmarked" to the context menu.
with one click marks e.g. 60 polygons and I'll just move them.
I can use this option for other database entries in the future.

for supplementation only. if this is not possible, ignore the below

the second sorting option is via polygon tools in conjunction with Placemark Manager.
I have a large polygon that is divided into 60 polygons.
it could be done that with the help of this large polygon (mark/move) all small polygons from inside the borders to the desired category.

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filesjpg file icon labeling inactive.jpg [^] (140,960 bytes) 27-01-2021 19:55

- Relationships

-  Notes
zed (manager)
24-02-2021 21:41

I think two options can be added:

- Select all visible marks;
- Revert selection.

- Users who viewed this issue
User List Anonymous (982x), caddis (1x), ingener (4x), zed (10x), vdemidov (3x), Vadim-o (1x), MontoyaSat (2x), waledresi (1x)
Total Views 1004
Last View 27-07-2024 08:48

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
27-01-2021 19:55 MontoyaSat New Issue
27-01-2021 19:55 MontoyaSat File Added: labeling inactive.jpg
24-02-2021 21:41 zed Note Added: 0020056
24-02-2021 21:41 zed Status new => confirmed
24-02-2021 21:42 zed Product Version .Nightly => 201212
24-02-2021 21:42 zed Target Version => 211230
30-12-2021 08:58 zed Target Version 211230 => 26xxxx
22-04-2023 15:52 zed Status confirmed => resolved
22-04-2023 15:52 zed Fixed in Version => 24xxxx
22-04-2023 15:52 zed Resolution open => fixed
22-04-2023 15:52 zed Assigned To => zed
22-04-2023 15:52 zed Target Version 26xxxx => 24xxxx
09-09-2023 18:15 zed Fixed in Version 24xxxx => 230909
09-09-2023 18:17 zed Target Version 24xxxx => 230909

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